Tokyo april12
Left on time . We arrived at the airport with loads of time to spare. I like when there's no pressure to get through security. No long line ups . Security was suspicious of my ankles (are they becoming too thick?) And made me giggle as they tickled them and then made me hop and skip (at my age!) to check my heels . Plane started to roll at 1:20. The safety talk was incorporated into Canadian travel videos (very cute).
Oh, shit we fly over Russia!
TMI? First bathroom run at 3Pm. Happy to report bathroom was still clean. In fact, the bathrooms never came close to reaching the disgusting levels we had encountered on other flights.
How come I became less sleepy after a bottle of wine than before drinking?
Wolfed down lunch. Either it was good or I was THAT ravenous. I picked the beef dish because it was supposed to come with potatoes, but I got rice. No matter....I was so hungry that later on, when they delivered a tuna fish roll for a snack, I ate that too (wouldn't ever have eaten that at home).
Didn't fly over Russia after all.
Took a longer flight plan to avoid turbulences. But I'm not sure that those turbulences weren't caused by comments made by our foreign minister about Putin needing to be replaced.
Wasted a little time at the airport trying to get a foreigner's transport package for subways and then finally, found the car and driver that took us to our hotel (an hour's ride). The driver stopped for gas (not self serve but price comparable to ours).The pick up service was particularly well organized. Their office had been texting me since last night with info (picture of car, license plate, etc.).
The hotel room is SO, SO ,SO incredibly small that I cannot take a picture because it's too small . I knew it was going to be small. And normally I don't care but this room is ridiculously small. Took me forever to figure out where to put everything. But at least, we're not using the bathtub for storage .
And we can see some city lights from our room.
So have been up for way over 24 hours now, and going to crawl (literally, because they're is no walking around space) into bed .
Think I heard Quebecers in the room next door to us. But can only hear them from the hallway. So, at least our cubby hole is well soundproofed.