May 19 LAST of 7 in a row Sea Days

And this is where we finished sailing to by bedtime (right past Mecca). 

Watch one of my favorite waiters: (he's Philippino). Ok, I'm a little short on material.
But I did get snagged by the magician to go on stage last night. I HATED it. Very hot under the lights. But at least, I didn't embarrass myself . Or at least, I don't think that I did . Much.
Over night, we crossed into Egyptian waters.
Pre-dinner entertainment tonight, was made up of a few intrepid passengers who had practiced their Bollywood dance moves over the last week. I took videos , but it'll take forever to upload, so cannot include in today's blog, but we enjoyed it.
Tomorrow morning, dock at Safaga and take a LONG ride to Luxor and the Valley of the Kings. Have a wake up call .for 5am. And yes, it will be hot.
And actually, this is possibly the worst way to see any of the ancient world in Egypt. We won't even get near the pyramids. And they have a brand new museum opening up any day.

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